Laser Thread Vein Removal

We can provide a long term solution to thread veins in just a few quick and easy treatments. This is a particularly effective treatment for facial thread veins.

Before (left) and after (right) facial vein reduction.
Picture courtesy Laser Skin Solutions


The length of each treatment and number of sessions will depend on the type and size of the thread veins, but typically a treatment will take 15 to 45 minutes and 3 to 5 sessions are required at 4 to 6 week intervals.

Consultation and skin patch test costs £37. Text 07584 198473 or message @thetreatmentroomsalon to book.

Please Note:
Prices above are per session.
Upfront payment is required to book and secure any laser treatment.
More than 48 hours notice of cancellation, re-book or full refund.
48-24 hours notice, 50% refund or 50% towards re-booked appointment.
Less than 24 hours notice or no-show, no refund or transfer of funds to re-booked appointment.